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My recent bone and liver scans showed mixed results:  improvement in the soft tissue around my bones, whatever that means, and either no change or growth in the liver lesions.  That's per my oncologist; I haven't read the report myself, although I expect I will eventually because I want to know how much the tumors in my liver have grown, and he didn't mention that.
Regardless, I've started a new chemo drug.  It's my third, and it's called Xeloda.  I take three big pills twice a day, one week on, one week off.
The fatigue and bone pain hit me about two days in.  As I muscled through that, I really hoped that in off weeks I'd start to feel okay within a few days of stopping the drug, but that hasn't been the case.  I am terribly fatigued--physically, mentally, and emotionally.  And I'm quite concerned about one of the potential Xeloda side effects, a horrific-sounding condition called Foot and Hand Syndrome, where one's palms and the soles of one's feet turn red and then peel.  Two preventative measures are to take only brief baths and showers, using tepid water, and also to use Udderly Smooth Hand & Body Cream with 20% Urea.  I bought Udderly Smooth a while back because I thought the name was funny.  I never imagined it would be recommended to me by a pharmacist.  
I have to keep in mind the upsides of this new drug, though, as compared to the previous, as they are substantial.  I don't have to go for weekly infusions; I don't have to deal with the side effects of the steroids they gave me before the infusions; I've had the PICC line removed and can now shower without wrapping my right bicep in plastic; my sense of taste is not so off as it was; and my hair is supposed to start growing back.
Still, I am feeling quite discouraged, and I keep thinking of those who've told me that most people would've given up by now.  But I have to keep trying to focus on today, and take advantage of the days when I feel good, or at least not bad.
The swelling in my left arm from the infection hasn't completely subsided, so I've asked for a referral to someone who can help me with it.  I've heard of lymphatic massage, which works for some, at least.  Maybe I'll get some good news there.  I could use it.